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Rhetoric and Composition:
Pop Geopolitics

The course familiarizes students with the skills and process involved in writing an argumentative essay supported by original research. It emphasizes a rhetorical approach to communication and focuses on the development and structuring of arguments, research practices, oral communication and presentation skills, and critical thinking skills through writing, reading, and discussion.

The module explores different examples of popular culture through the theoretical lens of Critical Geopolitics. This means examining how popular culture - movies, music, video games, anime - is shaped by, and shapes, ‘common sense’ ideas of geographical ‘space’ and ‘identity’. Students will get to choose an example of popular culture you find fascinating and develop a convincing and well-supported argument of how it does (or doesn't) reflect societal norms and values.

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Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation Year

On the HSS 2017-18 course staff and students will encounter the contemporary
global crisis.

They will explore the four overlapping dimensions of this crisis: a crisis in political authority; a crisis in economic production and distribution; a crisis in identity and self-expression; and a crisis in political and personal security. The course meets the subject matter of crisis analytically, from two competing perspectives: a Liberal, reformist perspective and a Critical, revolutionary perspective. Students are not told truths and given answers, rather they are encouraged to analyse and debate two very different ways of understanding and judging the crucial issues they encounter.

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Humanities & Social Sciences Program 

The Humanities & Social Sciences program for Week 1-7 is based on the concept of 'mega-events', with particular reference to EXPO 2017 and the theme of 'Future Energy'. Each week a different theme is introduced and critically assessed in lectures and seminars. Below you will find information on each week's required preparation material and how you will be assessed. You must complete each week's required preparation material prior to attending your seminar. You also find supplementary material. This is optional learning material that your teachers have provided you if you find that you are interested in a particular topic. 

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